Risky Roach!

New day! and daresay this is (not surprisingly) the beginning of a new note!
With my evergreen opening line

As I sit in front of my Guru, my computer; I feel peppy today!
Not to be confused with chirpy!! Peppy is nice! Chirpy is plain pain in the ass.
What needs to be written?

I've decided that I'll pen down my life's happenings on public sites such as FB so that one day I'll let my grandchildren read through my notes and their eyes will widen in disbelief clearly giving out the sentence
"HOLY CRAP! Granpa wrote? Wonder if he used swear words! Lemme search *Ctrl+F* Ah! Here it is! "FUCK!"! *wide mouthed grin* He he Granpa was not so decent as he seems to be"

Ah thats for the future so lets zoom back into the present with the obvious use of Calvin's time machine [trademark] ..

When I was completing my assignment yesterday there was this moment I had! A moment of disbelief.
To my left was the entrance of my house and it was wide open (the night breeze here rocks!)
and I saw near the door on the ground, a cockroach scampering here and there.

I glanced curiously at it wondering what it might be thinking of its surroundings, of me, whether it found me to be a huge ugly monster or a handsome prince with his sword(read as a ruler for fellow human beings)

It wasn't decisive, I noticed.
It loitered here there, it took no notice of the biscuit crumbs I put towards it hoping I'd atleast find the joy of a new pet (tiny as it may be)

And so it scampered, here there everywhere.
Did I mention it had wings? It flew in and out, zooming like a WWII bomber plane which would have scared the shite(like the british/scottish term for shit) out of my sister had she been there.
Finally it rested back in front of the door.
Peering through its cone-filled eyes with god-knows-how-many lenses and its antennae sensing the surroundings.

It hit me then!
No! Not the cockroach!
The cockroach was the tiny version of us, human beings.
It was contemplating, deciding whether it preferred the warmth and comfort of a home or the adventure and the fresh air of the wilderness.

It was to make a choice.
I found myself staring either at a brilliant piece of deductive logic or an assumption based on the direction of sight of a cockroach.
I stopped. Got back to isometric projections!
Great! Sphere on a Cylinder on a Hexagon! Perfect threesome! Hmph!
I sat down, lazily turned my head to the left, looking for my tiny human but was left staring at the biscuit crumbs.

It had chosen its path.
Wings or no wings, it chose to fly back into peril and not just because it realised my mom would paste it with three layers of HIT Anti cockroach spray but because it acknowledged something that we seldom do!

"My house stinks"


The other thing!


"Some risks are meant to be taken!" :)

P.S Remind me to tell you the story of the squirrel I saw! :D


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