"I'm not kidding!" says I. And then the dog whines!
I'm Pop-eye! I need to pee pee, man! :P |
If you are a writer, read on. Ever had one of those days? You know, you sit down and decide to write. You want to write so badly and the urge is so great thats its like wanting to pee when your bladder is about to burst?
and then you open your blog site and stare at the white screen with the emptiness in all its glory and you just cannot understand what to write or how to put it down in words just like you enter a toilet to find two chimps going at it right in front of you. You stop. You stare. Just stare.
The writing gone. The pee gone. Well technically, you still have the thoughts in your head and the pee in your bladder; but its hidden and lost in sheer amazement while you look at a blank screen or two chimps going at it!
Life is not funny. Life is serious. Its about dreams, goals, aspirations, future, success, inspirations, honor, fame, fortune and 50 other words which you can pick up from any self help book.
People are funny. People aren't serious. I rephrase. Not all people are serious. People are funny why?
I HAVE NO IDEA! They are. I am funny! So are you! The set of characteristics we differ in is enough reason to find 50 jokes from every nook and corner of the personality of a person when compared to self or others.
Why do you think they said "The More, The Merrier." ??
It wasn't for kicks, you dimwit. Our ancestors were effing smart. They got to know the simple logic that has evaded us I-Pod shuffling, bluetooth transferring, Wi-fi hunting dickheads for nearly a century.
More the people, More the distinguishing characteristics, More the difference, More the laughter.
Don't believe me?
1) Pick a lame joke.
2) Isolate a friend and tell it to him/her.
3) Note down the response
4) Head to a group of friends and tell the same joke.
5) Note down the response.
In any scenario, the number of people laughing in the second case is greater than (sometimes equal) to one.
True that in the 2nd case, they might find you funnier than the joke for trying to make them laugh at such a pathetic excuse of a joke. But then Laughter counts; be it at you or with you. Sad for you if its the former though.
So basically, I as a future engineer, a responsible citizen who gives a lot of thought about his goals in life would like to say, "I'm clueless. Go figure."
Four days of holidays coming to an end. Highlights - Shiva's Bday! PU College meetup! NBA 03 Live! VV Puram Chat Street food!! Lovely days!