Mutterings and curses

I have no idea what to write.
I'm out of the funnies.
I'm not desperate enough to divulge that I have a bad acne problem.(a metaphor)
I'm not really sinking into the depths of thinking.
This crazy headache is killing.
I really need to sort stuff out.
Life is whirling out of control.
I'd hate myself to accept that the best I can do is to stay put and watch.

I have discovered somethings new.
I hate pretense. post-tense and every other tense
If you cannot be stable, you deserve to be shot.
If you expect starling examples of perfection from everybody, go shoot yourself.
Indecision often rises out of laziness to choose the right alternative.
It's a treat to eat what you want but definitely not a treat to puke it right back out.



Utkarsha Kotian said…

Look whoz talking about being stable!
GomZ said…
Stable re. :P
like me :P

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