Pimp my body! (RANDOM!)

Weird thoughts again 
Bear with me!

Ever wondered why with the grand order of things we humans had to "reign" supreme?
Why was it that we were chosen to uphold the brain?
Why weren't we selected for being the fastest runner on land?
Why weren't we given wings?

If evolution is your answer for my question, I have nothing to say except that I don't know if you have the time to stay through 1500000 billion gadzillion years to note that your skin cells have gained melanin to improve your protection against UV rays and I don't care if you burn in hell right now!

I complain!
God is an autocrat!

If he wanted the best for his best, he shouldn't really be pulling the strings on every anatomical feature of ours.
I want a fair share.
I want my right as an individual who can think for himself
I want the right to customise what I want and when atleast when it comes to anatomy of my body!

Seems fair right? After all if I don't want to waste time with powerful legs running like a cheetah, I'd prefer the glide and fly technique of the eagles.

As always this proposition of mine has its flaws, which depend on the following factors

1) Existence of God
2) Extent of his/her/its power (trying hard not to be chauvinistic :P)
3) Consequences of such an upgrade

1) Existence of God.
I believe in a higher power for the simple reason. We're weak. For all those people who go up against this by saying Power is the state of mind. I say Go fuck yourself!
Not all of us are created equal. Each of us have our lacunas. I'm not quoting that God indeed is a supernatural being with a bathroom the size of a baseball field (thanks to rockstar-nickelback)
All I'm saying is there is a chance that as there are varying degrees of proficiency within us, I am more assured of the fact that God isn't a machine.
Otherwise he'd have churned out carbon copies and nothing else. No use of mirrors then eh?
So now on the assumption that God is an animate being or an inanimate article/energy source.

"Energy and mass are interconvertible but nothing can be created from nothing!"

Inanimate evolving to animate takes billions of years and is suggested by the Theory of Evolution

So God is now reduced to a bunch of chemicals permuting and combining in a way to create life.

But I have my reservations with this theory, because I see no spark.
Spark is essential, its how an engine starts, a tubelight starts, Every machine needs a starter. A spark!
Energy source God can give us mass but what about that spark?
That spark is life for us beings
And only way a spark is transferred is by animate beings.
and Hence I think God is animate and quite alive and kicking :P

where is he? Thats an entire different topic but I'm guessing somewhere within that volcano in Iceland taking a drag off his cigarette. :D

2) The power what he controls.
This guy is GOD. Ohkay! This GUY/GIRL/BOTH is GOD! (we've eliminated thing :P)
God is often described as the all creator all protector all destroyer
Makes sense.

An engineer designs a township. He creates it.
He helps in maintenance and servicing. He protects it.
The township falls into ruins with passing time. He destroys it.

Why? to build a massive-r open-your-eyes-wide structure that makes us go Whoa!!

Similar I think its the same job description God has.

He kicked other competitor's asses, he clinches the deal and its his own fairyland.

Now I'm drifting apart.

I'm starting to think that God is another player of a game called Godville and we're the Artichokes that the kid farmer plants in farmville :O

Who knows? Right? :P

Back to the topic

3) Consequences
Chaos in the world is a major concern!
When we have a law that calmly states "entropy is the law of the land"
No matter what you do, you increase it or it stays in the same level.
Nothing we do can decrease entropy, until someone finds a process called "de-entro-tantro-santro-de

We'd have loads of air traffic, Government would be in turmoil, We'd have stringent driving tests.

But! Wake up! isnt that whats happening now also?
So why not settle for the higher option with the same consequences!
Like somebody would wanna give up wings to fuel Mamata Bannerjee's political life?

We'd have all sorts of boards trying to curb us, but then Imagine!

Now lets drown in the land
Instead of going to an amusement park, riding on the same ride till you die of boredom or exhaustion or a freak accident.
You could get a chance to enter the amusement park called life, go on any ride any number of times for the same ticket price.

Ever had that feeling that your legs would fall off cuz you have walked so much and you had to rest for the fear of damaging it?
Think about it. You're legs do fall off and they are replaced by any other locomotive organ you wish!

Olympics wouldn't be a freak show! We just need some time to get acquainted if we got the chance.

The more I think about it, the more I realise that God's just being miserly and not giving us the advanced features of a program but rather restricting us to the basic ones!

People who do good get good and bad get bad doesnt really work on earth so I don't think thats the main motto of his.

Imagine God with the motto "Banni Enjoy madi". Doesnt suit someone so autocratic and miserly does it?

Now I'm scared.

Scared that God'll take offence of my bitching and spite me with his 100 continuous jolts of lightning and turn me into KFC finger licking good chicken bucket..
But then We all know until we raise a voice to be heard we really can't expect shit.
Only with pressure can you expect results and its high time we ask of him to give us our due!
So shout with me and get yourself a chance to be fried with lightning!
Thats exciting too and you know it :P

Product - Fully customisable body internal and external.

Think of all the chess nerds who'd be happy with a big brain and the dudes who crave for six packs!

The world would definitely be a happier place! :P

If this really happens, you'll know that I was the cause for this, you'd thank me for those awesome pair of fairy wings or those giantass claws; because here in facebook I've patented, copyrighted, safeguarded my idea and anyone who gets kinky and steals it shall be hammered to death with a pencil heel! :|

P.S God, If you do listen to my advice and put this in front of your council of ministers, make sure those bitches from Apple don't get the deal. They overcharge! A LOT!!


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