Strawberry Fields...

The life we shared, 
means much to me.
For it wasn't heaven I wanted,
'T was us in our strawberry field.

The misery of living,
without you: my love;
Wishing at every shooting star;
that we wouldn't stay apart.

Walking down memory lane,
whispering to our ghosts in vain.
Letting go was so hard,
thinking of life in our field.

Your smile, the occasional blush,
Our hearts beating solely as one;
From what we were, to what we are;
Nectar divine, it is our love.

Strawberry fields, here I come!
Not a long wait, my dear love.
For when we meet up above,
A strawberry field we shall sow. 


The poem I'd written for getting selected to represent my college at an inter college fest i.e VTU's Pandora-10 :)

P.S Thanks to Su, Shiv, Mitra, Pranav :)


Utkarsha Kotian said…
And I have read this 10 times now....n I still luv it! :D

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